Scrap Metal Prices...Which Prices Are Real, And Which Ones Are Not?
Which scrap metal prices are real, and which ones are not? Wow! That is truly the question of the day. The answer is one we can easily obtain. I assume that you have read some, if not all of the information written on the other pages of the website.
I hate to make this so easy that my page is short and not full of information but, if we have our own scrap metal from a real source, that we acquired from our local area, or at least a semi-local scrap yard, then we already know what the prices are, don’t we? If not then we are still at square one, and that is our first issue to deal with.
Read that again to make sure that you heard me correctly. We can no longer try to sell scrap metal that we do not know for sure exists, or we are defeating the purpose of trying to do business with honesty and integrity. There is so much for us to go over all of the time that, I do not know if we can ever get through it in one web site but we will just have to try.
"Think About This For A Minute"
A broker who contacts you about scrap metal for sale is doing one of three things. He is advertising so that he has his name and company out there for others to see, he is trying to sell scrap metal that he does not have himself, he does not own the steel suppliers guide so that he knows where he can realistically sell the scrap metal.
By the way, advertising is a legitimate reason for any of us to use the trade sites. We will not actually sell the scrap on line because we will already have buyers that will buy from us year round. They will take everything that we can find them, because they always need more.
Nevertheless, just in case they ever get full, we have 299 more in the directory to call and say hello. Not to mention the other countries that I have directories for, but have not yet released.
What are you talking about Glenn? Which directories are those? If you have to ask then you have not received a copy of the directory I have for sale. Check out the steel suppliers guide page when you get a chance. Hold on, don't go yet, we are still dealing with this.
"Homework Assignment"
Ok, last thing for this page. I want you to acquire four current scrap metal prices from real scrap metal dealers before you start to negotiate. If they are real, then the prices will be somewhere within $5 of each other. You then will need to determine what is more profitable. Is it the person with the best scrap metal prices? The one that is closest to the port, or the one that has the largest amount of scrap to sell.
Wow! That makes me have to write a page on shipping at this point, I suspect. You may get a scrap supplier that will give you an FOB price to the port, but you will make more money per ton if you handle it all yourself. I suppose that is a lot to think about all at once. I know, I thought that I was going to get away without working for the rest of my life as well but I also was wrong.
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